Dynamic NodeJS Schema Validation Rules Generator

Md Tasmidur Rahman
3 min readFeb 3, 2024


Are you tired of writing validation rules for your database tables manually? Introducing nodejs-schema-rules, a powerful CLI tool that automates the generation of basic validation rules for popular libraries such as JOI, ValidatorJS, and @vinejs/vine. These rules are based on your database table schema, providing a convenient starting point that you can refine and enhance to suit your specific needs.

In this blog post, we will explore the installation, configuration, and usage of nodejs-schema-rules. Whether you are working with MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite databases, this tool offers a unified solution, making dynamic schema-based validation accessible and efficient. Stay tuned to discover how nodejs-schema-rules can enhance your development workflow and contribute to the overall reliability of your Node.js applications.


Install nodejs-schema-rules globally to access the ndVr CLI:

npm install nodejs-schema-rules -g
# or
yarn add global nodejs-schema-rules

After installation, initialize the schema.config.js file:

ndVr init

Modify the generated schema.config.js file according to your database configuration:

const schemaConfig = {
defaultDatabase: 'sqlite',
databases: {
postgres: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
user: 'postgres',
password: '123456',
database: 'testing'
mysql: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 3306,
user: 'root',
password: '123456',
database: 'schema_builder'
sqlite: { database: './schema_builder.db' }
skipColumns: [ 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at' ],
validationSchemaType: 'joi'
module.exports = schemaConfig;


Use the ndVr CLI to generate validation rules for your database tables. For example:

ndVr joi -t my_table -db mysql -c column1,column2

This command generates validation rules for the specified database table (my_table) and its columns (column1 and column2). You can choose the database type (mysql, postgres, sqlite) and the validation library (joi, validatorjs, vine). The generated rules can be used to enforce data integrity and validate incoming requests in your application. Options:

  • -db, — database: Specify the type of database (e.g., mysql, postgres, sqlite).
  • -t, — table: Specify the name of the database table for which rules should be generated.
  • -c, — columns: Specify the column names of the table to generate rules for.
  • -h, — help: Display help for the command.


  • Generate rules for a MySQL table named users with columns id and name:
ndVr joi -t users -db mysql -c id,name
  • Generate rules for a PostgreSQL table named users with the validation library validatorJs:
ndVr validatorJs -t users -db postgres -c id,name
  • Generate rules for a SQLite table named users:
ndVr vine -t users -db sqlite -c id,name

If you have a table structure like this:

CREATE TABLE data_types (
name TEXT,
height REAL,
is_student BOOLEAN,
birthdate DATE,
registration_timestamp TIMESTAMP,
description BLOB,
created_at TIMESTAMP,
updated_at TIMESTAMP

Generate rules for a whole table:

ndVr joi -db sqlite -t data_types


name: Joi.string().required(),
age: Joi.integer().min(-9223372036854775808).max(9223372036854775807).required(),
height: Joi.number().required(),
is_student: Joi.required(),
birthdate: Joi.date().required(),
registration_timestamp: Joi.required(),
description: Joi.required(),

Generate rules for specific columns:

ndVr joi -db sqlite -t data_types -c name,age


name: Joi.string().required(),
age: Joi.integer().min(-9223372036854775808).max(9223372036854775807).required(),

Always skip columns: Add the columns to skip in the schema-config.js file, under the skipColumns attribute:

skipColumns: (process.env.SKIP_COLUMNS || 'created_at,updated_at,deleted_at').split(',')

By incorporating nodejs-schema-rules into your workflow, you not only enhance the integrity of your data but also contribute to a more efficient and maintainable codebase. The generated rules serve as a solid foundation, allowing developers to focus on refining and enhancing validation logic for their specific use cases.



Md Tasmidur Rahman

With over three years of experience as a full-stack software developer at Bysl Global Technology Group.